Welcome Friend!

Hello Friend and welcome to The Friendly Manual. You know, as in RTFM – ‘Read The Friendly Manual.’ (That’s right, the ‘F’ stands for ‘Friendly.’ Trust me on this, I would never lie to you about something so important.)

This project aims to showcase and promote Free/Libre and Open Source Software. It began life as a forum thread on South Africa’s number one IT website, mybroadband.co.za with community members contributing hundreds of their favourite Free or Open Source applications to a ‘Useful List of Free/Libre/Open Source Software Projects.’

The list has been hosted as a Github Gist but now we have upgraded to a website so we can make the list even more useful and publish richer content such as tutorials and blog articles.

Please check out our Friendly Free Software Directory for a list of Free software that we hope you will find interesting and useful. You can find the original forum thread HERE and the original list HERE.

Thanks for stopping by. Please check back soon for more Free and Open Source software related content.


License: EPLv1


TACTIC is a dynamic, open-source, web-based platform used for building enterprise solutions. It integrates Digital Asset Management (DAM), Content Management (CMS) and Workflow management to create a diverse array of content solutions.


License: MIT


DevToys helps with daily development tasks by offering a bundle of tiny tools designed to do quick, specific tiny tasks. No need to use many untrustworthy websites to simply decode a text or compress an image. With Smart Detection, the app intuitively selects the best tool for the data on your clipboard.


License: GPLv2


NethSecurity is an Unified Threat Management (UTM) solution that provides a comprehensive suite of security features, including firewall, content filtering, deep packet inspection (DPI) using Netifyd, Dedalo hotspot, OpenVPN, and an optional remote controller. It is designed to be easy to install and configure, making it a good choice for both small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) as well as enterprise organizations. NethSecurity is based on OpenWrt, a popular Linux distribution for embedded devices.


License: GPLv3


Guile is a programming language Guile is designed to help programmers create flexible applications that can be extended by users or other programmers with plug-ins, modules, or scripts. With Guile you can create applications and games for the desktop, the Web, the command-line, and more.