License: MIT


LibreCUDA is a project aimed at replacing the CUDA driver API to enable launching CUDA code on Nvidia GPUs without relying on the proprietary CUDA runtime. It achieves this by communicating directly with the hardware via ioctls, ( specifically what Nvidia’s open-gpu-kernel-modules refer to as the rmapi), as well as QMD, Nvidia’s MMIO command queue structure. LibreCUDA is capable of uploading CUDA ELF binaries onto the GPU and launching them via the command queue.


License: Apache 2


Puppeteer is a JavaScript library which provides a high-level API to control Chrome or Firefox over the DevTools Protocol or WebDriver BiDi. Puppeteer runs in the headless (no visible UI) by default


License: GPLv3


Manuka is an Open-source intelligence (OSINT) honeypot that monitors reconnaissance attempts by threat actors and generates actionable intelligence for Blue Teamers. It creates a simulated environment consisting of staged OSINT sources, such as social media profiles and leaked credentials, and tracks signs of adversary interest, closely aligning to MITRE’s PRE-ATT&CK framework. Manuka gives Blue Teams additional visibility of the pre-attack reconnaissance phase and generates early-warning signals for defenders.


License: GPLv3


Unmanic is a simple tool for optimising your file library. You can use it to convert your files into a single, uniform format, manage file movements based on timestamps, or execute custom commands against a file based on its file size.