Oat++ is a modern Web Framework for C++. It’s fully loaded and contains all necessary components for effective production level development. It’s also light and has a small memory footpri
Keep Calm and Read the Friendly Manual :-)
Oat++ is a modern Web Framework for C++. It’s fully loaded and contains all necessary components for effective production level development. It’s also light and has a small memory footpri
MakeHuman is an open source (AGPL3) tool designed to simplify the creation of virtual humans using a Graphical User Interface, also commonly referred to as a GUI.
Wings 3D is an advanced subdivision modeler that is both powerful and easy to use (inspired by Nendo and Mirai from Izware).
Blockbench is a free, modern model editor for low-poly and boxy models with pixel art textures. Models can be exported into standardized formats, to be shared, rendered, 3D-printed, or used in game engines. There are also multiple dedicated formats for Minecraft Java and Bedrock Edition with format-specific features.
Bforartists is a fork of the popular 3D software Blender, with the goal to improve the UI.
OutWiker is a cross-platform software for keeping your notes in a tree. Similar programs call “outliner”, “tree-like editor” or personal wiki. Main difference OutWiker from other programs is a keeping notes as folders on disk. A notes can to have attached files. OutWiker can contain pages of different types, currently supports three types of pages: plain text, HTML pages and wiki pages.
Access your institute’s network or the Internet using an encrypted connection
Project Spacetime is a take on Outertale by 2mi127. Main character designs are borrowed, but the music, tilesets, battle sprites, and backstory are new
GNU DDD is a graphical front end for the command-line debugger GDB and the variant CUDA-GDB.
A high-performance, zero-overhead, extensible Python compiler using LLVM