License: APSLv2


XNU kernel is part of the Darwin operating system for use in macOS and iOS operating systems. XNU is an acronym for X is Not Unix. XNU is a hybrid kernel combining the Mach kernel developed at Carnegie Mellon University with components from FreeBSD and a C++ API for writing drivers called IOKit. XNU runs on x86_64 and ARM64 for both single processor and multi-processor configurations.

Gates of Skeldal

License: GPLv3


Classic Czech dungeon crawler. Commercially released in 1998, open-sourced by the original authors in 2008. The island of Rovenland is being consumed by darkness. Powerful wizard named Freghar searched for the source of this menace and found it. But he was unable to stop it himself. Instead, he has sacrificed his life to summon three heroes – you. Can you save the world from evil magic?


License: MIT


OpenOMF is an Open Source remake of “One Must Fall 2097” by Diversions Entertainment. Since the original DOS game from 1994 uses IPX networking and is a pain to set up, the community needed a better solution to keep playing the game we love. Together with networking, we try to make it easier to play One Must Fall in its original glory on multiple platforms (Linux, Mac OSX, Windows, BSD to name a few).