


Monado is the first OpenXRâ„¢ runtime for GNU/Linux. Monado aims to jump-start development of an open source XR ecosystem and provide the fundamental building blocks for device vendors to target the GNU/Linux platform.




/e/OS is an open-source mobile operating system paired with carefully selected applications. They form a privacy-enabled internal system for your smartphone. And it’s not just claims: open-source means auditable privacy. /e/OS has received academic recognition from researchers at the University of Edinburgh and Trinity College of Dublin.


License: AGPLv3


PhotoPrism® is an AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web. It makes use of the latest technologies to tag and find pictures automatically without getting in your way. You can run it at home, on a private server, or in the cloud.

Network Manager

License: GPLv2


NetworkManager is the standard Linux network configuration tool suite. It supports large range of networking setups, from desktop to servers and mobile and integrates well with popular desktop environments and server configuration management tools.


License: Apache 2


loxilb is an open source hyper-scale software load-balancer for cloud-native workloads. It uses eBPF as its core-engine and is based on Golang. It is designed primarily to support on-premise, edge and public-cloud Kubernetes cluster deployments, but it should work equally well as a standalone load-balancer.