
License: BSD-2-Clause


Angie is an efficient, powerful and scalable web server, that was forked from nginx by some of its former core devs, with intention to extend functionality far beyond original version. Angie is a drop-in replacement for nginx, so you can use existing nginx configuration without major changes.


License: GPLv3


GoldenDict is a feature-rich dictionary lookup program, supporting multiple dictionary formats (StarDict/Babylon/Lingvo/Dictd/AARD/MDict/SDict) and online dictionaries, featuring perfect article rendering with the complete markup, illustrations and other content retained, and allowing you to type in words without any accents or correct case.


License: MIT


CBL-Mariner is an internal Linux distribution for Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure and edge products and services. CBL-Mariner is designed to provide a consistent platform for these devices and services and will enhance Microsoft’s ability to stay current on Linux updates.


License: GPLv3


RaspAP is feature-rich wireless router software that just works on many popular Debian-based devices, including the Raspberry Pi. Customizable, mobile-friendly interface in 20+ languages. Sets up in minutes.